Sunday, March 4, 2012

A few quotes

No game this time. Just a bit of wisdom.

I've just written a blog post about the album "Go" by Stomu Yamash'ta and some friends of his. I apologize in advance to the international reader for the other blog being in Serbian.

While researching material for the post, I've come across some go-related quotes I'd like to share. They are given here in no particular order.

"Begin anywhere." -John Cage

"I haven't failed, I've just found ten thousand ways that don't work." -Thomas Edison

"Whether you win a game or lose it is a matter of fate at the time. What really counts is whether or not you played good moves." -Kajiwara Takeo, famous Japanese 9p

"Even the first move can be hasty" -Mukai Kazuo Japanese 7p

"I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge." -Igor Stravinsky

"Go is harmony." -Go Seigen

"Go is something unearthly. If there are sentient beings on other planets, then they play Go." -Emanuel Lasker, chess world champion

"A few moments to learn, a lifetime to master." -Ancient Proverb

"The tactic of the soldier, the exactness of the mathematician, the imagination of the artist, the inspiration of the poet, the calm of the philosopher, and the greatest intelligence."  -Zhang Yunqi

"Go uses the most elemental materials and concepts -- line and circle, wood and stone, black and white -- combining them with simple rules to generate subtle strategies and complex tactics that stagger the imagination." -Iwamoto Kaoru

"You're striving for harmony, and, if you try to take too much, you'll come to grief." -Michael Redmond

"The board is a mirror of the mind of the players as the moments pass. When a master studies the record of a game he can tell at what point greed overtook the pupil, when he became tired, when he fell into stupidity, and when the maid came by with tea." -Anon

"When in danger, sacrifice" -Wang Jixin

For those interested in the matter, more nice quotes can be found at:

Sensei's library

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